viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

What are the differences between teaching approach, teaching method, teaching technique and teaching strategies?

The teacher uses different approaches, methods and techniques to teach to his/her students. So, we have to know the different between each concept. An approach is a set of specific theories about the nature of language and language learning. A method is an orderly plan for the presentation of language material based on the selected approach. And a technique is an implementation strategy or trick used to accomplish and immediate objective. It actually takes place in the classroom. In other words, a way of presenting language to students. When we talk about an approach, you talk about something general, you are focus on the personal way of philosophy. It’s involve everything referring to teach. When we talk about a method, you talk about something more specific because is the way the teacher apply his/her philoshopy when he/she is teaching. And when we talk about a technique, you have to know that are all the tools that you’re going to use in your class. You have to take account that each class’ group is unique and you should take account all the environment in every single class. 

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Explain the most important purpose in Education

As we know, the most important purpose in Education is self-fulfillment, the main reason is because we, as teachers, are the responsible about our students’ education and our students have to live their life even though our world is not the best to do it.
Live the life is not an easy thing but we have to live it. We have to help our students to face as many troubles. In the real life our students are going to be whatever their want but sometimes they need that someone support them, they want someone say “you can do it” or “you can do it in this way”. That’s why we have to ask ourselves “Am I teaching to help my students? If I want to transform my world I have to change first the way that I think. That isn’t an easy thing but you, as a teacher, can change a little part of you and then you will see how your teaching transform.
How can I help help my students reach their potential to the fullest? First, I have to believe in them and not only care about the knowledge that they get, I have to pay attention to their spirits. Sometimes the students don’t believe in their potential because their parents don’t believe in them so they have many pressure to do their best if they flunk an exam they’re going to feel like a trash and that is not good, but if a teacher talks with him/her he/she will know that someone believe in her/his potential. In some cases, a student who doesn’t pay attention in class or is very talkative are very smart or only need that you talk with him/her and then she/he’s going to pay more attention. To have a good rapport with your students it’s really help you.
How can we, teachers, be a source of inspiration to our students? If you love to do something the people around you are going to love it, too for that reason if you love to teach and you take care about your students’ problems your students are going to have a good inspiration and they’re going to be a better person.

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Why do you want to teach?

Well, if I want to define what transformational pedagogy model is, I would say that is a model in which one you have to take account many things not only dictate a lesson at the classroom. The transformational pedagogy integrates teaching the whole learner, rather than attending separately to academic, social, and spiritual goals. The book says that pedagogy is the art and science of instruction so this model pretends to change the way to many teacher teach. The teachers, in this model, need to be encouraged and affirmed in their roles. They have to keep in mind that they have to believe in their learners’ belief and potential, and help them to achieve their goals. Like the book says, “Transformational teaching begins with the learner, and transformational learning involves deep understanding and occurs in classrooms where teachers have high expectations.” How this model may impact lives of both pre-service and in-service teachers? I think that is pretty important to know this model because you can change your mind and think about how you improve the way that you teach, and your students’ belief. This model impact your live, as a teacher, because teach you how you’re going to be a better person and then a better teacher, even though for some pre-service teachers could be difficult to change the way that they’re accustom to teach and also, for some in-service teacher.